von Dr. iur. Christoph Roos | März 26, 2018 | Globaladvocaten
The fourth AML Directive, adopted in May 2015, brought with it intricate regulation of the much-discussed current problem of money laundering and terrorist financing in the territory of the European Union. In comparison with the previous three AML directives, this...
von Dr. iur. Christoph Roos | März 20, 2018 | Globaladvocaten
Chambers and Partners identifies and ranks the most outstanding law firms and lawyers in over 180 jurisdictions throughout the world. Globaladvocaten is very happy and proud with the award for ‘Leading Law Firm Network 2018’ by this prestigious institution.
von Dr. iur. Christoph Roos | März 20, 2018 | Globaladvocaten
We are proud to announce that today digitalAngel and Dell internationally launched their healthcare IoT platform for smart healthcare products! Several Global Advocaten members in the United States, Germany and the Netherlands have jointly assisted digitalAngel in...
von Dr. iur. Christoph Roos | Feb. 27, 2018 | Globaladvocaten
“So they´ve restricted our online sales”. This could be a paraphrase of the well-known first line of the famous Czech novel ‘The Good Soldier Schweik’ and one that summarises the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in a dispute between the...
von Dr. iur. Christoph Roos | Feb. 6, 2018 | Globaladvocaten
The law for promoting payment structure transparency has been in force in Germany since 6 July 2017. According to the information in the bill, the statistical payment gap between the average gross hourly wages for men and women amounts to 21% in Germany. To combat the...
von Dr. iur. Christoph Roos | Jan. 19, 2018 | Globaladvocaten
The global effects of a major product recall and the subsequent innovative application of the Section 363 auction. Takata: The Unfortunate Recall” featured in the ACC Charlotte Chapter’s December Newsletter David Conaway’s article, “Takata: The Unfortunate Recall”,...